Stats At A Glance

19 Jun 2020

We've just rolled out another new feature: a 'Stats Overview' area where you can view a summary of the stats for all your monitors at a glance. There have been several requests for this feature from customers who want to view the most important stats for their websites in one place.

Here are the details...

24 hour Uptime Summary

At the top of the page you'll find the uptime summary which shows the number of sites with 'good' uptime and the number of sites with 'low' uptime, over the past 24 hours.

Website uptime stats summary

6 hour Speed Summary

Alongside the uptime summary you'll find the website speed summary. This shows the number of sites that are running well and the number of 'slow' sites, based on the average response time over the last 6 hours.

Website speed summary

Stats List For All Monitors

Next is a list of all monitors with their pertinent stats and links to in-depth stats and logs. Sites with low uptime and slow sites are listed first so you won't need to scroll to find them.

website stats list

Alongside the stats, you'll see graphs of response times for the last 6 hours. These are interactive so you can view the details of every individual response.

website response with details

Set Your Timezone

The default timezone to display stats is UTC but it's very easy to change, simply:

1) Navigate to 'locations'

2) Select your preferred timezone from the dropdown menu

All response times and downtime logs will now be shown in the timezone of your choice.

Configure Acceptable Uptime

We realise that what constitutes 'good' uptime is subjective. Therefore we have made the acceptable uptime configurable.

Options are: 99%, 99.5%, 99.9%, 99.95%, 99.99%, 99.995% and 99.999%.

The default acceptable uptime is 99.95%, the average result taken from our acceptable uptime survey, but the choice is yours...

acceptable uptime results

Configure Acceptable Response Time

Again, what constitutes 'slow' response time is subjective so we have made the acceptable response time configurable. You can set any value up to 17,000 milliseconds.

The default is 1,500 milliseconds although we recommend that you set your own value, because response time varies with different websites, servers and locations.

A good way to choose a value is to allow monitors to run for a short period to see what a 'normal' response time is for your websites, and then set the acceptable response time just above this figure. With this method, if a site runs more slowly than usual it will be highlighted as a 'slow' site, enabling you to locate problems before they cause actual downtime.

Note that Downtime Monkey measures response time as 'time to receive headers' which is different from the commonly quoted 'time to first byte'. We believe that time to headers is a better measure of response time because headers are received immediately before the first content is loaded to the web browser whereas the first byte is received some time in advance of this so can give an artificially low result (more info here).

A big thank you to those who have taken the time to submit feature requests - you have helped us improve Downtime Monkey!

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