Website Monitoring Prices Compared
13 Feb 2022
The comparison for 2022 has been completed. You can skip straight to the results for 2022, view the results for 2021, 2020 & 2019, or read on to see how we ranked the sites...
We compared every available website monitoring service by price. A comparison of each service was made by:
1) the price of the cheapest Pro plan
2) the price to monitor 10 websites
3) the price to monitor 100 websites
We then calculated the average price per monitor which we used for the rankings.

Ranking by Average Price Per Monitor
In the past (2021 and before) sites were ranked according to their cheapest available Pro plan. This worked fine but we noticed that it favoured services that have a fixed price per monitor. These are usually cheap if you want to monitor a single site but quickly become expensive as the number of monitors increases.
This year we have calculated the average price per monitor by simply dividing each price by number of monitors and then taking the average. This gives a more balanced ranking which factors in both bigger and smaller plans.
We haven't included Free plans in the comparison, however here is a feature comparison of Free vs Pro plans which shows the kind of features to expect from a decent Pro plan.
US dollars were used for the comparison. For sites that only accept other currencies, prices were converted by the exchange rate on Google Finance on 08 Feb 2022.
Where a cheaper price was available by paying yearly, the annual cost divided by 12 was used for comparison.
Price, Features & Quality
This is a price comparison article.
However... it is worth remembering that price is not the only factor to take into account when choosing a website monitoring service (or any service).
Features and quality are also important. We haven't reviewed these here because feature reviews can be very subjective. Since we provide one of the website monitoring services in the comparison it is vital that the results are unbiased. Therefore we chose a measure that was hard to argue with - price.
That being said we did notice that the price of the service seems to be totally uncorrelated to the quality and features provided. Some of the cheapest services provide higher quality than other more expensive competitors. On the flip side, some of the cheap options are very poor indeed!
But we'll let you decide on quality yourselves... here are our website monitoring plans including the full list of features.
Below are the top 10 sites or skip straight to the full list...

Which Monitoring Sites Were Included?
Initially we viewed every website monitoring service available online - there were 202 at the time of writing!
We excluded very expensive services, sites that clearly had problems and any monitoring software that needed installation on your server. This reduced the number of sites considerably - 41 monitoring services made it through to the final results.
Cheap Monitoring Only
Sites with a cheapest plan costing $10/month or more were excluded since they can't be considered low-price.
Free plans were not included because we wanted to compare applications with Pro features.
Also excluded were "Pro" plans that don't provide anything more than the average Free plan. For example, "Pro" plans with monitoring intervals of greater than 1 minute, with alerts only available via email or with monitoring from only one location were not included.
Sites which don't provide prices on their website or which require the customer to contact them to receive a price weren't included either.
Working Sites Only
We excluded a few sites that clearly have problems: if the site didn't load, the SSL certificate was invalid or Google warned us that it contained malware then we didn't include it.
Also, we didn't include sites that are in Beta testing.
External Monitoring Services Only
This comparison is for external monitoring services, so we didn't include software that requires installation on the customer's server.
2022 Results
Again, some interesting trends in the website monitoring space were illuminated by this year's results...
Even More Monitoring Services: the total number of website monitoring services has continued to increase despite several services shutting up shop: 158 in 2019, 170 in 2020, 185 in 2021 and 202 in 2022.
But Fewer Quality Services: the total number of services that made the final results decreased from 55 in 2019 to 41 in 2020, recovered slightly to 46 in 2021 and returned to the low point of 41 in 2022. The main reason for this trend is an increased number of new services that offer paid plans with only free plan features.
Prices Largely Unchanged: following large price increases in 2020 and moderate increases in 2021 it was interesting to see that prices remain largely unchanged across the industry this year.
Monitoring Service
Avg Cost/Mon
1 Monitor
10 Monitors
100 Monitors
1) Downtime Monkey
Average Cost/Mon: $0.33
1 Monitor: $0.69
10 Monitors: $2.16
100 Monitors: $8.68
Currencies: $€+120
2) Updown
Average Cost/Mon: $0.67
1 Monitor: $0.67
10 Monitors: $6.68
100 Monitors: $66.80
Currencies: €₿
3) Observery
Average Cost/Mon: $0.73
1 Monitor: $1.95
10 Monitors: $1.95
100 Monitors: $4.95
Currencies: $
4) Monitor2
Average Cost/Mon: $0.75
1 Monitor: $1.00
10 Monitors: $5.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
5) Agent Slug
Average Cost/Mon: $0.80
1 Monitor: $1.14
10 Monitors: $4.56
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
6) Copper Egg
Average Cost/Mon: $0.80
1 Monitor: $0.80
10 Monitors: $8.00
100 Monitors: $80.00
Currencies: $
7) Admin Labs
Average Cost/Mon: $0.89
1 Monitor: $0.89
10 Monitors: $8.93
100 Monitors: $89.28
Currencies: $
8) Binary Canary
Average Cost/Mon: $0.90
1 Monitor: $2.00
10 Monitors: $5.00
100 Monitors: $20.00
Currencies: $
9) Custom Uptime
Average Cost/Mon: $1.00
1 Monitor: $1.00
10 Monitors: $10.00
100 Monitors: $100.00
Currencies: $
10) Uptime Pal
Average Cost/Mon: $1.00
1 Monitor: $1.00
10 Monitors: $10.00
100 Monitors: 100.00
Currencies: $
11) MonTools
Average Cost/Mon: $1.07
1 Monitor: $1.07
10 Monitors: $10.71
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
12) Cloudsome
Average Cost/Mon: $1.58
1 Monitor: $4.17
10 Monitors: $4.17
100 Monitors: $16.67
Currencies: $
13) Cloud Radar
Average Cost/Mon: $1.70
1 Monitor: $1.70
10 Monitors: $17.00
100 Monitors: $170.00
Currencies: $€
14) Pingerman
Average Cost/Mon: $1.80
1 Monitor: $4.58
10 Monitors: $4.58
100 Monitors: $37.50
Currencies: $
15) API Checker
Average Cost/Mon: $1.84
1 Monitor: $4.58
10 Monitors: $4.58
100 Monitors: $49.00
Currencies: $
16) AppBeat
Average Cost/Mon: $2.11
1 Monitor: $5.70
10 Monitors: $5.70
100 Monitors: $5.70
Currencies: €
17) Cloud Probes
Average Cost/Mon: $2.16
1 Monitor: $3.60
10 Monitors: $7.20
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
18) Ping Monit
Average Cost/Mon: $2.29
1 Monitor: $4.16
10 Monitors: $4.16
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
19) Pulse Ping
Average Cost/Mon: $2.30
1 Monitor: $5.99
10 Monitors: $5.99
100 Monitors: $29.99
Currencies: $
20) Uptime Mate
Average Cost/Mon: $2.49
1 Monitor: $5.70
10 Monitors: $10.26
100 Monitors: $74.10
Currencies: €
21) Up Status
Average Cost/Mon: $2.63
1 Monitor: $5.00
10 Monitors: $19.00
100 Monitors: $99.00
Currencies: $
22) Uptime Robot
Average Cost/Mon: $2.64
1 Monitor: $7.00
10 Monitors: $7.00
100 Monitors: $21.00
Currencies: $
23) Uptime Checker
Average Cost/Mon: $2.67
1 Monitor: $6.00
10 Monitors: $15.00
100 Monitors: $50.00
Currencies: $
24) Hitflow
Average Cost/Mon: $2.69
1 Monitor: $6.82
10 Monitors: $6.82
100 Monitors: $56.99
Currencies: €
25) Dev Monitor
Average Cost/Mon: $2.75
1 Monitor: $5.00
10 Monitors: $5.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
26) Pingrely
Average Cost/Mon: $2.76
1 Monitor: $7.08
10 Monitors: $7.08
100 Monitors: $47.92
Currencies: $
27) Uptime 360
Average Cost/Mon: $3.03
1 Monitor: $5.00
10 Monitors: $29.00
100 Monitors: $119.00
Currencies: $
28) Pingniner
Average Cost/Mon: $3.32
1 Monitor: $5.80
10 Monitors: $8.30
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
29) Observu
Average Cost/Mon: $3.38
1 Monitor: $6.95
10 Monitors: $14.99
100 Monitors: $169.00
Currencies: $
30) Uptimia
Average Cost/Mon: $3.56
1 Monitor: $9.00
10 Monitors: $9.00
100 Monitors: $79
Currencies: $
31) Monitive
Average Cost/Mon: $3.59
1 Monitor: $7.00
10 Monitors: $30.60
100 Monitors: $72.00
Currencies: $
32) Site 24x7
Average Cost/Mon: $3.60
1 Monitor: $9.00
10 Monitors: $9.00
100 Monitors: $89.00
Currencies: $€
33) Super Monitoring
Average Cost/Mon: $3.70
1 Monitor: $4.91
10 Monitors: $24.91
100 Monitors: contact
Currencies: $€
34) Cronitor
Average Cost/Mon: $3.85
1 Monitor: $7.00
10 Monitors: $25.00
100 Monitors: $205.00
Currencies: $
35) YupTimer
Average Cost/Mon: $3.85
1 Monitor: $7.00
10 Monitors: $7.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
36) Pinghut
Average Cost/Mon: $3.99
1 Monitor: $9.00
10 Monitors: $27.00
100 Monitors: $27.00
Currencies: $
37) Net Ping
Average Cost/Mon: $4.04
1 Monitor: $8.00
10 Monitors: $35.00
100 Monitors: $62.00
Currencies: $
38) WebPing
Average Cost/Mon: $4.11
1 Monitor: $8.06
10 Monitors: $19.91
100 Monitors: $226.56
Currencies: PLN
39) Uptime Doctor
Average Cost/Mon: $4.37
1 Monitor: $7.95
10 Monitors: $7.95
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
40) Are My Sites Up
Average Cost/Mon: $4.37
1 Monitor: $8.00
10 Monitors: $32.00
100 Monitors: $192.00
Currencies: $
41) Alertra
Average Cost/Mon: $5.47
1 Monitor: $9.95
10 Monitors: $9.95
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
2021 Results
For sites that only accept currencies other than US dollars, prices were converted by the exchange rate on Google Finance on 23rd April 2021.

Monitoring Service
Cheapest Plan
10 Monitors
100 Monitors
1) Downtime Monkey
Cheapest Plan: $0.69
10 Monitors: $2.16
100 Monitors: $8.68
Currencies: $, €, £ +120
2) Updown
Cheapest Plan: $0.71
10 Monitors: $7.09
100 Monitors: $70.91
Currencies: €
3) Copper Egg
Cheapest Plan: $0.80
10 Monitors: $8.00
100 Monitors: $80.00
Currencies: $
4) Admin Labs
Cheapest Plan: $0.89
10 Monitors: $8.93
100 Monitors: $89.28
Currencies: $
5) Ping My Site
Cheapest Plan: $0.99
10 Monitors: $9.90
100 Monitors: $99.00
Currencies: $
6) Monitor2
Cheapest Plan: $1.00
10 Monitors: $5.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
7) Uptime Pal
Cheapest Plan: $1.00
10 Monitors: $10.00
100 Monitors: $100.00
Currencies: $
8) Server Check In
Cheapest Plan: $1.25
10 Monitors: $4.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
9) Mon Tools
Cheapest Plan: $1.50
10 Monitors: $15.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
10) Cloud Radar
Cheapest Plan: $1.70
10 Monitors: $17.00
100 Monitors: $170.00
Currencies: $, €
11) Observery
Cheapest Plan: $1.95
10 Monitors: $1.95
100 Monitors: $4.95
Currencies: $
12) Vigil
Cheapest Plan: $1.99
10 Monitors: $19.99
100 Monitors: $199.00
Currencies: $
13) Binary Canary
Cheapest Plan: $2.00
10 Monitors: $5.00
100 Monitors: $20.00
Currencies: $
14) Agent Slug
Cheapest Plan: $2.02
10 Monitors: $2.02
100 Monitors: $5.04
Currencies: €
15) Pingr
Cheapest Plan: $2.04
10 Monitors: $11.36
100 Monitors: $104.68
Currencies: $
16) Monitoring Me
Cheapest Plan: $2.36
10 Monitors: $12.89
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: £
17) Statusoid
Cheapest Plan: $3.49
10 Monitors: $34.90
100 Monitors: $349.00
Currencies: $
18) Cloud Probes
Cheapest Plan: $3.60
10 Monitors: $7.20
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
19) Ping Ping
Cheapest Plan: $4.00
10 Monitors: $8.00
100 Monitors: $60.00
Currencies: $
20) Ping Monit
Cheapest Plan: $4.16
10 Monitors: $4.16
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
21) Super Monitoring
Cheapest Plan: $4.91
10 Monitors: $24.91
100 Monitors: contact
Currencies: €
22) API Checker
Cheapest Plan: $4.99
10 Monitors: $4.99
100 Monitors: $44.91
Currencies: $
23) Dev Monitor
Cheapest Plan: $5.00
10 Monitors: $5.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
24) Monitive
Cheapest Plan: $5.00
10 Monitors: $9.50
100 Monitors: $60.00
Currencies: $
25) Ops Dash
Cheapest Plan: $5.00
10 Monitors: $10.00
100 Monitors: $100.00
Currencies: $
26) Up Status
Cheapest Plan: $5.00
10 Monitors: $10.00
100 Monitors: $100.00
Currencies: $
27) Uptime 360
Cheapest Plan: $5.00
10 Monitors: $15.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
28) Pulse Ping
Cheapest Plan: $5.99
10 Monitors: $5.99
100 Monitors: $29.99
Currencies: $
29) Uptime Checker
Cheapest Plan: $6.00
10 Monitors: $15.00
100 Monitors: $50.00
Currencies: $
30) App Beat
Cheapest Plan: $6.04
10 Monitors: $6.04
100 Monitors: $60.49
Currencies: €
31) Uptime Mate
Cheapest Plan: $6.05
10 Monitors: $10.89
100 Monitors: $78.65
Currencies: €
32) Server Guard 24
Cheapest Plan: $6.90
10 Monitors: $23.90
100 Monitors: $129.90
Currencies: $
33) Pingniner
Cheapest Plan: $6.95
10 Monitors: $9.95
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
34) Observu
Cheapest Plan: $6.95
10 Monitors: $14.99
100 Monitors: $169.00
Currencies: $
35) Site 24x7
Cheapest Plan: $7.00
10 Monitors: $7.00
100 Monitors: $71.00
Currencies: $
36) Uptime Robot
Cheapest Plan: $7.00
10 Monitors: $7.00
100 Monitors: $21.00
Currencies: $
37) Yup Timer
Cheapest Plan: $7.00
10 Monitors: $7.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
38) Pingrely
Cheapest Plan: $7.08
10 Monitors: $7.08
100 Monitors: $47.92
Currencies: $
39) Hitflow
Cheapest Plan: $7.24
10 Monitors: $7.24
100 Monitors: $60.48
Currencies: €
40) Uptime Doctor
Cheapest Plan: $7.95
10 Monitors: $7.95
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
41) Are My Sites Up
Cheapest Plan: $8.00
10 Monitors: $32.00
100 Monitors: $192.00
Currencies: $
42) NodePing
Cheapest Plan: $8.00
10 Monitors: $15.00
100 Monitors: $15.00
Currencies: $
43) Pinometer
Cheapest Plan: $8.00
10 Monitors: $8.00
100 Monitors: $64.00
Currencies: $
44) Uptimia
Cheapest Plan: $9.00
10 Monitors: $9.00
100 Monitors: $79.00
Currencies: $
45) Status Rocket
Cheapest Plan: $9.00
10 Monitors: $29.00
100 Monitors: $149.00
Currencies: $
46) Alertra
Cheapest Plan: $9.95
10 Monitors: $9.95
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
2020 Results
For sites that only accept currencies other than US dollars, prices were converted by the exchange rate on Google Finance on 3rd March 2020.

Monitoring Service
Cheapest Plan
10 Monitors
100 Monitors
1) Downtime Monkey
Cheapest Plan: $0.48
10 Monitors: $1.51
100 Monitors: $6.08
Currencies: $, €, £ +120
2) Agent Slug
Cheapest Plan: $0.49
10 Monitors: $4.89
100 Monitors: $48.92
Currencies: €
3) Updown
Cheapest Plan: $0.66
10 Monitors: $6.52
100 Monitors: $65.15
Currencies: €, Ƀ
4) Copper Egg
Cheapest Plan: $0.80
10 Monitors: $8.00
100 Monitors: $80.00
Currencies: $
5) Admin Labs
Cheapest Plan: $0.89
10 Monitors: $8.93
100 Monitors: $89.28
Currencies: $
6) Ping My Site
Cheapest Plan: $0.99
10 Monitors: $9.90
100 Monitors: $99.00
Currencies: $
7) Monitor2
Cheapest Plan: $1.00
10 Monitors: $5.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
8) Uptime Pal
Cheapest Plan: $1.00
10 Monitors: $10.00
100 Monitors: $100.00
Currencies: $
9) Cloud Radar
Cheapest Plan: $1.20
10 Monitors: $12.00
100 Monitors: $120.00
Currencies: $, €
10) Mon Tools
Cheapest Plan: $1.50
10 Monitors: $15.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
11) Observery
Cheapest Plan: $1.95
10 Monitors: $1.95
100 Monitors: $4.95
Currencies: $
12) Vigil
Cheapest Plan: $1.99
10 Monitors: $19.99
100 Monitors: $199.00
Currencies: $
13) Binary Canary
Cheapest Plan: $2.00
10 Monitors: $5.00
100 Monitors: $20.00
Currencies: $
14) Monitoring Me
Cheapest Plan: $2.36
10 Monitors: $5.40
100 Monitors: $11.85
Currencies: £
15) Statusoid
Cheapest Plan: $3.49
10 Monitors: $34.90
100 Monitors: $349.00
Currencies: $
16) Cloud Probes
Cheapest Plan: $3.60
10 Monitors: $7.20
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
17) Ping Monit
Cheapest Plan: $4.16
10 Monitors: $4.16
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
18) Uptime Robot
Cheapest Plan: $4.50
10 Monitors: $4.50
100 Monitors: $7.40
Currencies: $
19) Super Monitoring
Cheapest Plan: $4.91
10 Monitors: $24.91
100 Monitors: contact
Currencies: €
20) Pingoscope
Cheapest Plan: $4.95
10 Monitors: $9.95
100 Monitors: $9.95
Currencies: $
21) Up Ninja
Cheapest Plan: $4.99
10 Monitors: $4.99
100 Monitors: $24.99
Currencies: $
22) API Checker
Cheapest Plan: $4.99
10 Monitors: $4.99
100 Monitors: $49.99
Currencies: $
23) Online Or Not
Cheapest Plan: $5.00
10 Monitors: $5.00
100 Monitors: $99.00
Currencies: $
24) Ops Dash
Cheapest Plan: $5.00
10 Monitors: $10.00
100 Monitors: $100.00
Currencies: $
25) Oh Dear
Cheapest Plan: $5.56
10 Monitors: $22.24
100 Monitors: $111.18
Currencies: €
26) Uptime Checker
Cheapest Plan: $6.00
10 Monitors: $15.00
100 Monitors: $50.00
Currencies: $
27) Hitflow
Cheapest Plan: $6.66
10 Monitors: $6.66
100 Monitors: $55.58
Currencies: €
28) Server Guard 24
Cheapest Plan: $6.90
10 Monitors: $23.90
100 Monitors: $129.90
Currencies: $
29) Pingniner
Cheapest Plan: $6.95
10 Monitors: $9.95
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
30) Observu
Cheapest Plan: $6.95
10 Monitors: $14.99
100 Monitors: $169.00
Currencies: $
31) Do You Check
Cheapest Plan: $7.00
10 Monitors: $20.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $, €, £
32) Yup Timer
Cheapest Plan: $7.00
10 Monitors: $7.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
33) Site 24x7
Cheapest Plan: $7.00
10 Monitors: $7.00
100 Monitors: $71.00
Currencies: $
34) Pingrely
Cheapest Plan: $7.08
10 Monitors: $7.08
100 Monitors: $47.92
Currencies: $
35) Uptime Doctor
Cheapest Plan: $7.95
10 Monitors: $7.95
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
36) Anturis
Cheapest Plan: $8.00
10 Monitors: $8.00
100 Monitors: $76.00
Currencies: $
37) Are My Sites Up
Cheapest Plan: $8.00
10 Monitors: $32.00
100 Monitors: $192.00
Currencies: $
38) NodePing
Cheapest Plan: $8.00
10 Monitors: $15.00
100 Monitors: $15.00
Currencies: $
39) Pinometer
Cheapest Plan: $8.00
10 Monitors: $8.00
100 Monitors: $64.00
Currencies: $
40) Uptimia
Cheapest Plan: $9.00
10 Monitors: $9.00
100 Monitors: $79.00
Currencies: $
41) Alertra
Cheapest Plan: $9.95
10 Monitors: $9.95
100 Monitors: $20.00
Currencies: $
2019 Results
US dollars were used for the comparison. For sites that only accept other currencies, prices were converted by the exchange rate on Google Finance on 5th June 2019.

Monitoring Service
Cheapest Plan
10 Monitors
100 Monitors
1) Downtime Monkey
Cheapest Plan: $0.48
10 Monitors: $1.51
100 Monitors: $6.08
Currencies: $, €, £ +120
2) Agent Slug
Cheapest Plan: $0.50
10 Monitors: $5.03
100 Monitors: $50.27
Currencies: €
3) Monitoring Me
Cheapest Plan: $0.54
10 Monitors: $5.40
100 Monitors: $54.00
Currencies: £
4) Updown
Cheapest Plan: $0.66
10 Monitors: $6.59
100 Monitors: $65.93
Currencies: €, Ƀ
5) Admin Labs
Cheapest Plan: $0.89
10 Monitors: $8.92
100 Monitors: $89.28
Currencies: $
6) Ping My Site
Cheapest Plan: $0.99
10 Monitors: $9.90
100 Monitors: $99.00
Currencies: $
7) Monitor2
Cheapest Plan: $1.00
10 Monitors: $5.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
8) Upmon
Cheapest Plan: $1.00
10 Monitors: $10.00
100 Monitors: $100.00
Currencies: $
9) Uptime Pal
Cheapest Plan: $1.00
10 Monitors: $10.00
100 Monitors: $100.00
Currencies: $
10) Cloud Radar
Cheapest Plan: $1.20
10 Monitors: $12.00
100 Monitors: $120.00
Currencies: $, €
11) Down Notifier
Cheapest Plan: $1.25
10 Monitors: $1.25
100 Monitors: $28.05
Currencies: $
12) MonTools
Cheapest Plan: $1.25
10 Monitors: $10.71
100 Monitors: $107.00
Currencies: $
13) Server Check
Cheapest Plan: $1.25
10 Monitors: $4.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
14) Vigil
Cheapest Plan: $1.99
10 Monitors: $19.90
100 Monitors: $199.00
Currencies: $
15) Statusoid
Cheapest Plan: $2.75
10 Monitors: $14.90
100 Monitors: $136.40
Currencies: $
16) Noty
Cheapest Plan: $3.00
10 Monitors: $10.00
100 Monitors: $10.00
Currencies: $
17) Do You Check
Cheapest Plan: $3.00
10 Monitors: $20.00
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $, €, £
18) Upski
Cheapest Plan: $3.99
10 Monitors: $3.99
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
19) Ping Monit
Cheapest Plan: $4.16
10 Monitors: $4.16
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
20) Uptime Robot
Cheapest Plan: $4.50
10 Monitors: $4.50
100 Monitors: $7.40
Currencies: $
21) Port Monitor
Cheapest Plan: $4.54
10 Monitors: $4.54
100 Monitors: $33.29
Currencies: $
22) API Checker
Cheapest Plan: $4.58
10 Monitors: $4.58
100 Monitors: $44.92
Currencies: $
23) Super Monitoring
Cheapest Plan: $4.59
10 Monitors: $24.28
100 Monitors: contact
Currencies: €
24) Pingoscope
Cheapest Plan: $4.95
10 Monitors: $9.95
100 Monitors: $9.95
Currencies: $
25) Got Site Monitor
Cheapest Plan: $4.95
10 Monitors: $9.95
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
26) Binary Canary
Cheapest Plan: $5.00
10 Monitors: $5.00
100 Monitors: $20.00
Currencies: $
27) R-U-ON
Cheapest Plan: $5.00
10 Monitors: $9.99
100 Monitors: $25.00
Currencies: $
28) OpsDash
Cheapest Plan: $5.00
10 Monitors: $10.00
100 Monitors: $100.00
Currencies: $
29) WebGazer
Cheapest Plan: $5.00
10 Monitors: $15.00
100 Monitors: contact
Currencies: $
30) Oh Dear
Cheapest Plan: $5.17
10 Monitors: $20.68
100 Monitors: $103.36
Currencies: €
31) AppBeat
Cheapest Plan: $5.62
10 Monitors: $5.62
100 Monitors: $56.29
Currencies: €
32) Uptime Checker
Cheapest Plan: $6.00
10 Monitors: $15.00
100 Monitors: $50.00
Currencies: $
33) Turbo Monitoring
Cheapest Plan: $6.69
10 Monitors: $66.38
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: €
34) Server Guard 24
Cheapest Plan: $6.90
10 Monitors: $23.90
100 Monitors: $129.90
Currencies: $
35) Observu
Cheapest Plan: $6.95
10 Monitors: $14.99
100 Monitors: $169.00
Currencies: $
36) WatchSumo
Cheapest Plan: $7.00
10 Monitors: $21.00
100 Monitors: contact
Currencies: $
37) Pingrely
Cheapest Plan: $7.08
10 Monitors: $7.08
100 Monitors: $47.92
Currencies: $
38) Pingdom
Cheapest Plan: $7.95
10 Monitors: $7.95
100 Monitors: $131.00
Currencies: $ + contact
39) Uptime Doctor
Cheapest Plan: $7.95
10 Monitors: $7.95
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: $
40) Uptime
Cheapest Plan: $8.00
10 Monitors: $8.00
100 Monitors: $64.00
Currencies: $
40) Pinometer
Cheapest Plan: $8.00
10 Monitors: $8.00
100 Monitors: $64.00
Currencies: $
42) Anturis
Cheapest Plan: $8.00
10 Monitors: $8.00
100 Monitors: $76.00
Currencies: $
43) NodePing
Cheapest Plan: $8.00
10 Monitors: $15.00
100 Monitors: $15.00
Currencies: $
44) Are My Sites Up
Cheapest Plan: $8.00
10 Monitors: $32.00
100 Monitors: $192.00
Currencies: $
45) WebMon
Cheapest Plan: $8.33
10 Monitors: $33.33
100 Monitors: $79.17
Currencies: $
46) Ping Stack
Cheapest Plan: $9.00
10 Monitors: $9.00
100 Monitors: $49.00
Currencies: $
47) Uptimia
Cheapest Plan: $9.00
10 Monitors: $9.00
100 Monitors: $79.00
Currencies: $
48) Site 24x7
Cheapest Plan: $9.00
10 Monitors: $9.00
100 Monitors: $89.00
Currencies: $
49) Macro Wave
Cheapest Plan: $9.40
10 Monitors: $9.40
100 Monitors: n/a
Currencies: €
50) Host Tracker
Cheapest Plan: $9.92
10 Monitors: $9.92
100 Monitors: $74.92
Currencies: $
51) Alertra
Cheapest Plan: $9.95
10 Monitors: $9.95
100 Monitors: $20.00
Currencies: $
52) Monitor Fox
Cheapest Plan: $9.95
10 Monitors: $9.95
100 Monitors: $59.95
Currencies: $
53) Happy Apps
Cheapest Plan: $9.95
10 Monitors: $9.95
100 Monitors: $199.95
Currencies: $
54) Let’s Monitor
Cheapest Plan: $9.99
10 Monitors: $9.99
100 Monitors: $9.99
Currencies: $
55) Candum
Cheapest Plan: $9.99
10 Monitors: $9.99
100 Monitors: $89.99
Currencies: $
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