Website Downtime Monitoring United States
Website downtime alerts and uptime monitoring in United States from a network of global servers.
Downtime notifications to email, SMS and Slack.
Response time monitoring, uptime stats and downtime logs.
Up to 60 websites monitored completely free.

United States Services
Free website monitoring services:
Response time monitoring:
Uptime monitoring & stats:
Downtime alerts via email & Slack:
SMS downtime alerts:
Pro website monitoring services:
98,743 downtimes logged in the last 14 days
Website Uptime Monitoring
Websites checked every minute.
View monitors in real time: see all your websites at a glance or view individual websites.
Add monitors individually or upload websites in bulk - start monitoring in seconds.

Website Downtime Alerts
Downtime alerts via email, Slack and SMS.
Receive alerts the instant a website is detected down, or... set custom alerts so that notifications are only sent if a site stays down for a time.
Rate limit alerts by setting the maximum number of downtime alerts that can be sent per hour.
Response Time Monitoring
Keep track of website speed by monitoring response time.
The time for the web server to respond is recorded every time an uptime check is made.
View graphs of individual response times for 24 hours, hourly average response times for 7 days, and daily average response times for 2 years.

Website Content Monitoring
Get notified if the content of your website changes unexpectedly.
Catch on-page errors, database errors & hacked websites: more details.
Downtime Monkey checks that your webpage contains the correct keyword phrase. If it doesn't a downtime is logged and alerts are sent.
Uptime Stats & Downtime Logs
View the uptime statistics for every website that you monitor.
See uptime stats for 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, 1 year and 2 years at a glance.
Access downtime records of individual downtimes for up to 2 years.
Downtime records include the timestamp, the duration of downtime, the response code from the server and a short explanation to help you troubleshoot the problem.

Global Monitoring Locations
Downtime Monkey provides website checks from a network of servers in multiple locations across the world.
This eliminates false positive downtimes, maximises the accuracy of uptime stats and ensures that you only get alerted when it really matters.
Monitoring locations are: Australia (Sydney), Canada (Montreal), Germany (Frankfurt), India (Mumbai), UK (London) and USA (Oregon).
To see how it works read the global website monitoring blog post.
Get Started
With our free account you can monitor up to 60 websites and each website is checked every 5 minutes.
It's completely free so why not start now - you'll be up and running in less than a minute!